
Great training sessions allow people to experience what performance looks and feels like.

I don’t use long, in-depth PowerPoints or manuals that people forget as soon as they leave the room. Instead, I’ll help them make the link between their potential and how they can improve their day-to-day performance.

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How does it work? Great training depends on addressing the underlying challenges your people are facing and their causes. As often as not, the biggest benefit doesn’t come from training new skills. It can definitely help, but most people already have the skills they need to perform well. What they need is to learn how to remove the obstacles that are stopping them, and permission to actually make a difference.

Often these issues are around confidence, or organisational issues, or about believing in what they do. I’ll dig into the specifics first so I can plan training to overcome them.

Then, once the training’s over, you’ll see the transformation start. Changing how people look at what they do can make a huge impact on their performance at work.

I can design workshops that uncover this latent performance for:

  • The people in your business who sell
  • Your leaders and managers
  • Those who support, coach and mentor others

To find out more about training courses which tackle the underlying issues, call Mark on 07940 441729 or email

What My Clients are Saying about Me

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Mark was recommended to us and his very different approach to improving the performance of our sales team was very attractive. When we met Mark and got into more detail about his methodology and how it could work for Scott Dunn, it was very clear that Mark had an excellent grasp of how to motivate people to improve their performance and was very different to the “normal” training solutions that we’d previously used. We’ve worked closely with Mark since Spring 2011 and the programmes Mark has delivered alongside our Learning and Development Manager have significantly improved the capabilities of our sales team, and across our non-selling teams we’ve achieved some excellent levels of employee engagement and developed some really strong models to drive performance for the future”.

Simon Russell: Managing Director, Scott Dunn
